Malcolm Moorhouse

Psychic – Reiki Master – Shamanic Healing

The Amazing Power Of The Strength Tarot Card in The Major Arcana

by | Jan 1, 2022 | Tarot News

All about the strength tarot card in the major arcana deck.

Let’s get started strength is the number eight card in the major arcana deck it is associated with finding controlling and successfully applying inner strength in the right-of-way deck.

The Strength tarot card is represented by a young woman wearing a white dress with flowers around her waist and hair. She is calmly opening the jaws of a lion completely red in passion. There is an infinity sign above her head, signifying the continuous cycle of life and her infinite wisdom.

The lion also allows the woman to get so close to him, because he feels that she is there only with love and compassion toward him. It is the meeting between being courageous to face your fears and also learning to tame the raw emotions and passions inside in a card reading, the strength card may appear upright or reversed.

The Strength tarot card upright reveals that you have the inner capacity and ability to persevere and thrive in any situation. You can remain calm in times of danger or stress and in turn, help others achieve this state as well. The strength guard suggests harnessing your power drive and willpower to achieve greatness in any endeavor.

This is the card that shows stability. If you can keep imbalance, your emotional and rational, sights on money, love, and friendship, the strength guard advises you to keep control above all, that may be in relation to outburst of emotions with a partner or at work, and even spending without thinking.

strength tarot cardThe Strength tarot card in reverse signifies a loss of control of the situation or your emotions. It suggests you might be finding it hard to keep going and keep showing up take a moment to look at what you have accomplished already and take a break.

If you need the strength card in reverse to show that there may be too many obstacles for you to face alone, recruit the help of a friend and lean on them to get back on your feet in relationships, the cards suggest you are letting fear and doubt keep you from moving forward trust in your own abilities and find the courage to move past.

Fear, in conclusion, strength represents believing in yourself and your inner power to handle scary situations. It is being compassionate towards others and being a loyal and supportive friend. By taming your animal instincts, you can participate in several social situations that will aid you in your success.

Strength in reverse signals that you may be feeling weak or doubtful due to obstacles or setbacks, take a minute to organize your thoughts and gather your strength. You may also be feeling overwhelmed due to doing too much for others by taking care of yourself. First, you can be in a better state of mind to help others.

You may be repressing your anger, frustrations or disappointments instead analyze them and look for ways to express those feelings in a constructive manner. I hope you have enjoyed this lesson on the strength card join us again soon to learn more about another tarot card.

The New Mythic Tarot Deck And Book Set

Malcolm M’s Opinion On this Tarot Deck

strength tarot cardI have been using the mythic Tarot deck for the best part of 34 years and have two decks. However, I have just purchased this new version and I love it. I would highly recommend

The Mythic Tarot Deck

The Mythic Tarot Deck

this new deck to beginner and professional tarot readers alike.


The tarot deck is a traditional 78-card deck used to read tarot. The deck has been updated to include an illustrated design that captures

the essence of the tarot tradition while still honoring the flexibility and contemporary feel of the tarot.


I think this deck is a great addition to any tarot collection and it’s perfect for anyone who wants a more traditional but versatile tarot deck. The tarot readings that I’ve done with this deck have been very helpful and insightful, and I’ve really enjoyed using them.


The mythological context for each card is well summarised and gives an interesting new dimension to the readings.
11 out of 10.



Read More: The Hierophant Tarot Card


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