The Three of Cups tarot card meanings.
1. The Three of Cups tarot card is a Minor Arcana card that is all about celebration, happiness, and unity. This card often appears when we are experiencing a time of joy and happiness in our lives, and it is a reminder to savor the moment and enjoy the company of those we love. The Three of Cups tarot card can also indicate a time of coming together to celebrate a special occasion or achievement. This is a card of positive energy, good vibes, and happy times.
2. The Three of Cups as a Positive Card.
When the Three of Cups tarot card appears in a tarot reading, it is generally a good sign. This card indicates that good times are on the horizon and that we should take the opportunity to enjoy ourselves and the company of those we love. The Three of Cups tarot card can also represent a time of coming together to achieve a common goal. This is a card of unity, cooperation, and working towards a common good.
3. The Three of Cups Tarot Card as a Negative Card.

Three of Cups Tarot Card
While the Three of Cups is generally a positive card, it can also take on a negative meaning in some cases. This can happen when the card appears in a reading alongside other negative cards, or if the querent is experiencing a time of sadness or hardship. In these cases, the Three of Cups Tarot Card can represent a false sense of happiness, or a desire to escape from reality. This is a card of escapism, avoidance, and denial. The Three of Cups Tarot Card Reversed.
The Three of Cups Reversed. What Does It Mean?
1. The Three of Cups reversed can indicate that you are feeling isolated from others, or that you are not feeling as connected to your friends and loved ones as you would like. This can be a time of loneliness, but it can also be a time to focus on your own needs and desires. It is important to remember that you are not alone, even when you feel like you are. There are people who care about you and who are willing to support you.
2. The Three of Cups Tarot Card Reversed. Love and relationships.
Three of Cups Tarot Cardreversed can suggest that you are feeling disconnected from your partner, or that you are not feeling as close to them as you would like. This can be a time of loneliness, but it can also be a time to focus on your own needs and desires. It is important to remember that you are not alone, even when you feel like you are. There are people who care about you and who are willing to support you.
3. The Three of Cups Tarot Card Reversed. Career and Money.
The Three of Cups reversed can indicate that you are feeling isolated from your colleagues, or that you are not feeling as connected to your work as you would like. This can be a time of loneliness, but it can also be a time to focus on your own needs and desires. It is important to remember that you are not alone, even when you feel like you are. There are people who care about you and who are willing to support you.
The New Mythic Tarot Deck And Book Set
Malcolm M’s Opinion On this Tarot Deck
I have been using the mythic Tarot deck for the best part of 34 years and have two decks. However, I have just purchased this new version and I love it. I would highly recommend
The Mythic Tarot Deck
this new deck to beginner and professional tarot readers alike.
The tarot deck is a traditional 78-card deck used to read tarot. The deck has been updated to include an illustrated design that captures
the essence of the tarot tradition while still honoring the flexibility and contemporary feel of the tarot.
I think this deck is a great addition to any tarot collection and it’s perfect for anyone who wants a more traditional but versatile tarot deck. The tarot readings that I’ve done with this deck have been very helpful and insightful, and I’ve really enjoyed using them.
The mythological context for each card is well summarised and gives an interesting new dimension to the readings.
11 out of 10.CLICK TO BUY
5 Great Interpretations of the Two of Cups Tarot Card In a Tarot Reading