Psychic readings also called “extra-sensory readings”,
These are known methods of predicting a person’s future by a person with Psychic abilities, and they have many types, systems, and methods.
Psychic reading has many areas, for example, astrology (the most known and the most practiced), distance reading, numerology, psychometry, palm reading, past-life readings (which are the most controversial), and many others, and they don’t implicate any kind of tools.
Nowadays, internet and phone readings have become very popular.
The first type is Aura Reading:
And it’s about observing and interpreting the auras around the human body. An aura is known to be a set of coloured outlines that the surface of the body emanates and they are different by colour, intensity, shape, and size. These types of psychic readings can reveal a person’s individual characteristics.
The second type is Numerology:
Considered in the past as higher mathematics. It involves the individual’s numeric values (their date of birth, for example), and every number scheme has its own occult meaning and influence on human life.
The third type is Distant Reading:
And as the name says, the reader and the client are far off from each other, so the meeting of both isn’t required. Surprisingly, the reader can provide answers to the client without having to talk to him.
The fourth and maybe the most practiced:
(After Astrology) is the Tarot reading, where the reader may not possess psychic abilities. A deck has 78 cards and each one of them is different from each others, but the accent is on the order in which they make their appearance. People are usually attracted by these kinds of psychic readings because it can be easily practiced (even though there are a lot of fake tarot readers). The cards usually make predictions about love life, career, money, etc.
Apart from this usage, tarot cards are a very important occult, spiritual, esoteric, and divinatory instrument.
The fifth type is Psychometry reading:
And it helps the reader gather information about events that take place or people in close proximity, and it is often used when locating missing persons.
Another type of psychic readings is Palm reading, which is a very popular one. By studying the lines, shapes, or wrinkles on a person’s palm, the reader can foretell their future. Moreover, anyone could learn to do it.
The Moonology Oracle 44 tarot cards
Are you looking for a Tarot deck that can help you tap into the energy of the moon? Then Moonology Oracle Tarot Cards are a great option.
The 44 cards in the deck each correspond to a different phase of the moon. And the accompanying guidebook provides detailed explanations of the meaning of each card.
I like how the Moonology Oracle Tarot Cards can be used for both daily readings and longer-term forecasts. I find that they help me to better understand the ebbs and flows of energy in my life, And how to work with them.
The cards are also beautifully illustrated. And I enjoy using them as a tool for meditation and self-reflection. The Moonology Oracle 44 tarot cards and guidebook offer a unique, And an insightful way to connect with the energy of the moon.
The cards are beautifully illustrated. And the guidebook is extremely helpful in learning how to read the cards.
I highly recommend this Tarot deck to anyone who is interested in working with moon energy.
Please Click The Link Below To Purchase.
For in-depth psychic readings that will give direction and clarity to you! Book Here!